Random Treasure

A Website about Antiques, Auctions and Alchemy


I’m Roger Stewart.  Welcome to my Random Treasure website.

Since early childhood I’ve spent much of my spare time buying, researching and selling antiques, operating on a limited budget and frequenting local auctions and charity shops.  As a result, I have a house full of stuff, and a lot of stories about remarkable objects bought and sold – sometimes with extraordinary and spectacular success in the saleroom.

I have written about some of the the stuff and told some of the stories in my blog on this website and in my book Random Treasure – Antiques, Auctions and Alchemy.

 “The best antique book I have read, every dealer collector should read it” 
“I have just finished your book, and can truthfully say I have never got more enjoyment from a printed text. It was gripping from beginning to end, and absolutely fascinating”
“Roger Stewart writes beautifully, with humour and insight . . . Even if you don’t have a particular interest in collecting, this book is well-written, funny and informative. A great read – highly recommended” 
“His writing is charming and funny. I’d say the only thing that would be better than reading Random Treasure would be to walk along with the author as he hunts for treasures in his favorite shops and auction houses. Or to see his latest finds in person and to hear their histories . . .”